
Posted on 10:09 AM by NeliUsZ | 2 comments

Subject: Hypebeast

this in no way is a shot at ne body at all, just and my opinion

now this subject is one tht most of u hear about everyday frum the "fly guys" tht u kno
i personally hate the word hypebeast (hb) because of its overuse. According to urban dictionary a hypebeast is:

"A person who follows a trend to be cool or in style.
A person who wears what is hyped up."

i on this subject am in between. the fly niggas are the ones who complain about them so much. sayin how they were the first ones to do it, or wear it to skool nd when niggas saw them they wore it because of the hype behind it. They're not orignal. blah blah blah
well i would like to say that none of yall are original. sum1 inspired you to dress the way u dress. u didnt come up with this style yourself. Im pretty sure none of yall wokeup one day and said tht yall were goin to shop at the wealth and only wear10 deep crook and so on. U SAW with ur eyes sum one do it and did it. it might have not been the same EXACT way but u were inspired to wear clothes tht way. and for the people who like to be the only ones with it on jus to say they did it first, thts pointless!. beacuse if u wear it SUM1 is goin to see u with it one. and me being the person tht i am, if i see it and i like it, im GOIN to wear it. So dnt get mad when sum1 else has it on and u wore it first. if u want to be the only ones with it, i suggest tht u make your own dayum clothes or buy clothes tht no1 wears and never wear it for the simple fact tht u can say tht ur the only one with it, cz sum1 will see and like it nd wear it. another thing is that clothing lines found in boutiques like cmon wealth, cream and others are actuall happy for the hypebeast. they didnt jus make the clothes for you and your "bros" to wear. they wantto make money and cant do so if u and ur friends are ethe only ones who buy there clothes. lets say tht u make a clothin line. u jus dnt one group of ppl to wear ur clothes becuz tht doesnt make u rich like u want to be. u want ur clothes to be worn by the masses. for the ppl who say "i was wearin jordans, levis and starters sincei was little." (no names mentioned ) SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! u wore alot of shxt wen u were litte. this is the time wen u didnt care wut u looked like. u jus wanted to pay in the sand box with u friends and u were happy. U didnt pick those clothes out ne way. ur parents did. so yeah u coulda been wearin jays wen u were born but im sure u prolly was rockin reboks (sp?) kswisss, new balance, Osh kosh, and OFF BRAND CLOTHES. so shut tht shxt up about how u wore it wen u were little and you were bringin it baq. for ppl who say they dress the way they do as an expression of themselves, u wear clothes to give a msg and a voice and blah blah blah. wen u see ppl wearin ur your shxt jus thinkin of it as sum1 hearin ur msg. u shuld be faltterd not offened and mad. so in conclusion i would like to say tht the ones whoe complain about hypebeast YOUR A HYPEBEAST in sum way shape or form. so0 STFU. Crying about how uwore it first isnt goin to cange te fact tht ppl are wear the shxt.

ne questions or comments feel free to leave them


Anonymous said...
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J said...

I thought I tought you to TRANSCEND. Smh what happened?

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